Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bodybuilding and Stretch Marks

There are several reasons for why and where you will get stretch marks as you progress with your bodybuilding.  Among them are the rate of your weight gain, nutritional deficiencies and the type of your skin.

Rapid weight gain is the common source of getting stretch marks among all types of individuals.  It is why pregnant women, overweight individual, and teenagers are all affected.  Anytime your skin has to quickly accommodate more mass it unavoidably has to stretch.  This includes bulking up and putting on muscle. 

Bodybuilders are most often afflicted under the arms in the pec/delt tie-in region.  This are is especially susceptible due to the very quick muscle growth there.

The key to minimizing the amount of stretch marks you get is controlling your fat intake.  Endeavour to gain muscle while minimizing fat.

Make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy skin growth and regeneration.  These include vitamins A, C, E and Zinc.  This can be accommodated by taking a good multi-vitamin daily.  Zinc is especially important because it is key to the production of collagen.  Adequate collagen makes the formation of stretch marks less likely.

Many stretch mark creams, like Trilastin SR,  have proven results and are extremely effective and both preventing and getting rid of stretch marks.

Many body builders have also reported success with tanning.  Of course you want to be cautious of the dangers of too much sun exposure, but this can make the stretch marks turn back to a color closer to your own skin.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shoulder Workout Routines for Beginners

One of the most prominent body figures that would make you stand out among other body builders would be too improve your shoulders. Enhancing the muscles in your shoulders is easy and you could do it even in the convenience of your own home. In working out it is important to know the different types of routine affects various kinds of muscle groups. For beginners one should first set a goal. Planning which type of area of the body to enhance would keep you focused on that objective. In working out, the best approach is to develop a single area of your body before trying to improve the whole. It is just hard and consumes large amounts of your time and energy approaching it holistically.

You must first decide on which area of the body to work on. After deciding then it is time for you to know the different types of routine. Enhancing the shoulder muscles requires repetitions and different kind of routines. There are two things to remember when trying to perform work out exercises to enhance your shoulder muscle development. The two things would be the heavy shoulder work out and the light shoulder work out.

  1. Light shoulder work out

  • Performing Military press is one way of enhancing shoulder muscles do repetitions presses. Perform 1 set of 15 compressions and two sets of 10 repetitions and the last part is 1 set of 8 repetitions.

  • Performing Side Lateral Raising will enhance the area of your shoulder blades do repetitions of Side Lateral Raises. Perform 1 set of 15 repetitions and 3 sets of 10 repetitions. In these repetitions light dumbbells are being used.

  1. Heavy shoulder work out

  • It is the usual military press in light shoulder work out the only difference is the sets of repetition performed. In this method perform 1 set of 15 compressions, 2 sets of 10 chest compressions and lastly the 2 sets of 8 compressions.

  • Performing Upward Rows gives the best results. To do this you must perform 2 sets of 10 upward rows and 2 sets of 8 upward rows. This is done using a heavier dumbbell.

  • Seated dumbbell press is easy to perform. All you need to do is perform repetition of dumbbell press in 1 set of 15 repetitions, 2 sets of 10 repetitions and lastly 2 sets of 8 repetitions. You use a slightly heavier dumbbell while performing this routine.

Performing this kind of work out routine can easily be done in your own home. The thing to remember is the number of repetitions to perform. All you need is a dumbbell you are set to perform your work out activity. It would only take minutes of your time. Doing it every day would ensure best results. For those who wanted to learn more about workout routine it is best to enroll in gym fitness training. This would enable you to learn even more things on the different techniques to develop your muscles.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Carbohydrate Cycling for Fat Loss

Carbohydrate cycling is the practice of lowering carbs for 2-3 days and then bringing your carbs back up for 1-2 days, instead of just keeping your carb ratios the same all the time. This helps your body to burn fat at a higher rate on the lower carb days and then replenish your carbs on higher days. This keeps your metabolism from slowing down and makes sticking to your ‘diet' easier knowing that you will be able to eat higher carbs and calories in a few days.

It is considered by some to be the most effective low carbohydrate diet method for losing body fat.  It is a well kept secret of bodybuilders and fitness models.

Like all plans that incorporate a new diet that is different than they way you are used to eating, it has to be viewed as a lifestyle change for it to be successful.  Eliminating junk food or other items that you take pleasure in can be extremely difficult and requires a significant commitment.

Remember that like everything else, low carbohydrate diets, when taken to the extreme, may do more harm than good. It's not wise to go to extremes in anything and this is as true for dieting as with anything else in life: moderation is the key.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Muscle Memory

Muscle memory can best be described as a type of movement with which the muscles become familiar over time.  The only way for the muscles to become familiar to new activities is for you to learn how to do these things and then practice them with a great deal of trial and error. Gradually, as you become more skilled you are able to incorporate more complicated activities movements into your routine.

This is the body's natural pattern both cognitively and physically to do an exercise effortlessly. A trained athlete develops muscles that consistently perform the same exercise in the same manner each time. It is great for an athlete increasing a skill that needs duplication, like throwing a football, baseball, shooting a basket or a golf swing…and lifting weights.

In bodybuilding, muscle memory will allow you to train automatically, without conscious thought. If you have to stop and think about what is happening and what the proper movements are, you'll constantly be correcting and possible reinforcing a poor technique. It takes a tremendous amount of repetition to do things correctly and is easily lost without constant reinforcement. It also let's you turn your attention to the "big picture" e.g. to plan the next step in the work to be done, by taking over a large part of your "mental load".

Some argue that if you do the same workouts all the time the body just learns what you want it to do and doesn't really have to think about working at it anymore. Basically you are just "maintaining" maybe even losing some muscle by repetition. This is simply not true. As long as you are constantly applying the right amount of weight for your level, then muscle memory will ensure that you continue to perform your routine correctly. Remember practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swiss Exercise Balls

Swiss exercise balls are also known as physio balls.  They were created for use in physio therapy, but they are very versatile and can by used in a number of different ways to supplement your beginner bodybuilding routine.  Your body is compelled to use muscles differently to maintain balance on the unstable and flexible balls.  Situps done with swiss exercise balls are just one variation that you can do to build your ab muscles.

Swiss Exercise Ball Ab Crunch Video


The Swiss ball was originally developed as an excise option for those who suffer from back pain.  By its very nature it strengthens and works the core muscles that help to stabilize the spine.  But the options far exceed that and the ball can be effectively used to strengthen almost any muscle group.

The term was first coined as it was used in 1965 Switzerland by a group of physical therapists who were using it with children who had cerebral palsy.  It is also sometimes referred to as a gymnic ball, stability ball or a therapy ball.  They are often inflatable or make of vinyl, plastic or solid foam rubber.

Swiss Ball Push Up Video


As with all bodybuilding activities when you are a beginner, please take it slowly.  Do not rush out and get the biggest Swiss ball.  Take it gradually and you will reap the rewards at a pace appropriate for you without risking injury. 

Consider your height and leg length when choosing a physio ball.  Your hips and knees should be at a 90 degree angle when you are sitting on the ball.  Proper fitting advice can be received by consulting a physical therapist or a spine specialist.  These people are also an excellent source for the best exercises specifically for you.

They even make swiss exercise balls in office appropriate colors so that you can improve your balance while sitting at work.  By working on your posture, using these balls will help you to minimize your risk of incurring lower back pain.

While the swiss exercise ball offers numerous benefits in your fitness workout routine, it is just as important to not overuse the ball.  You want to condition your muscles to perform optimum under all sorts of differing conditions and overusing the swiss ball could lead to weakness in the upper body, additionally the ball trains the body in controlled movements which doesn't train the ability to perform more explosive movements.  Vary your exercise tools and continue to make use of free weights, cables and your own body weight.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Preventing Shin Splints

Shin splints have always been a plague for runners.  There are a number of causes, including but not limited to improper footwear, undeveloped muscles and simply overdoing it.  Shin splints are small tears in the muscle around your shin and are very painful.  Accordingly, prevention is key.

The first step in preventing shin splints is to make sure you are wearing the proper shoes.  As shin splints are caused by the impact of the force associated with running, having the appropriate protection or cushion in place can do a great deal for preventing them.

Being flatfooted can also make you more susceptible to shin splints and even if you are not flat footed there may be other biomechanical reasons why you are getting shin splints, so it may be a good idea to get a professional consultation on footwear.

Make sure that your calves are not tight when exercising by stretching them out.  Also stretch out and strengthen your feet, raising and lowering yourself on the balls of your feet.

The real frustration of shin splints for active exercisers is that it puts your routine on hold and slow down your development plan.

Applying ice to each shin after a workout can help to prevent shin splints.  This is due to ice's ability to prevent inflammation.

A sudden increase in your activity that puts stress on the legs can lead to shin splints.  So if you are going to be ramping up the intensity of your routines, be sure to do it slowly and safely.

The pain will come on dull initially, but will sharpen and intensify if you continue to over use your legs.  It is recommended not to continue with the activity once you recognize that a shin splint has set in as you certainly don't want to risk getting a more serious injury.  Applying compression with bandages has been said to help relieve the pain.

Warming up and stretching, wearing the right and best footwear, and not training too hard too quickly will all help you to prevent shin splints.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Smith Machine

The Smith Machine is a weight training machine.  It is unique in that it is a free weight barbell, but it can only move up and down.  This gives it an extra dimension of safety for the beginner bodybuilder.

The additional safety is achieved through several lockout positions.  Adjustable safeties allow it to be secured at any point.  The benefit being that it is safer for those who train without a spotter.  If the weight becomes to great, you can twist your wrist and lock the barbell in place.  Of course for maximum safety it is recommended to always train with a spotter.

The barbell does not need to be stabilized as the Smith Machine does not allow it to fall forwards, backwards or sideways.  This enables you to life more weight, but don't be lulled into a false sense and don't lift more weight than your body is ready for.

Using the Smith Machine is not the same as using free weights.  You can not do exercises that require an arc and you do not get the additional benefit that comes from having to stabilize the weight as you lift it.  Stabilizing the weight is an important component of bodybuilding.  Using the required muscles is required to develop them as well.  This is the challenge with it comes to doing squats and bench presses on the Smith Machine.  In that regard you would not want to use this as your primary workout machine, but it comes in handy when you are alone.

So the Smith Machine has it purpose, but it is definitely not a replacement for free weights. Beginner bodybuilders need to build muscle mass not just on the primary muscles, but on the stabilizer muscles as well. Free weights better imitate the range of motion that you would actually be performing in real life activities, but when you are alone or can’t find a spotter, the Smith Machine offers a safer alternative.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Exercises for Beginner Bodybuilders

The type of exercises for beginner bodybuilders you choose will depend you and your personal fitness goals.  We've been talking about home gyms and bodybuilding equipment for beginners.  The decision you have made in this area will determine which exercises you should start with.

There are a wide variety of different exercises that can target the same muscle group and achieve the same result.  This allows you to choose a variation that you find most comfortable or enjoy doing.  The more you enjoy your bodybuilding routine the more likely you are to stick with it and more importantly perform the exercises correctly.

While gaining muscle mass is the main objective for those beginning to body build it is critical that you do not overlook the importance of cardio to your regimen.  It doesn't matter if you choose to run, swim, stairmaster or otherwise, you need to have a strong heart to endure the strain of the heavy lifting you will be doing.

Regardless of the exercises you are doing you need to remember to start slow and pace yourself.  You will not meet your bodybuilding goals if you are laid up with an injury by trying to accomplish to much too quickly.  As your body becomes more accustomed to the strain you are subjecting it to, you can them ramp up the intensity.  But still accelerate slowly.  Bodybuilding for beginners is a marathon not a sprint.

Many find it easier to stick with a routine if you change it up and keep lots of variety.  Learn different exercises and movements and keep things interesting for yourself.  If you do join a gym, talk to people.  Watch out for techniques you haven't seen before and ask about them.  Also consult one of the trainers on hand about what exercises you should start with for maximum benefit.  When choosing which gym you should join, look for one where this type of service would be available.

As beginning to exercise is a delicate time for a new bodybuilder  in that you are more susceptible to injury due to a lack of conditioning and inexperience, you want to make sure that the gym equipment is in good repair and will taken care of.

I have said before that a solid foundation is just as important a component of your ultimate success as is your commitment to actually following through with the activities.  Take some time when formulating this plan to do the necessary research and develop a solid list of exercises for beginner bodybuilders.

Monday, May 19, 2008

All In One Bodybuilding Equipment for Beginners

As I discussed in my last post about home bodybuilding for beginners, many people are opting for a home solution instead buying a costly gym membership.  Of course if you take this route you will need to purchase some kind of home gym machine or equipment.  A popular choice is some for of all in one system.

These systems will allow you to combine several different pieces of bodybuilding equipment for beginners into one machine.  The benefits for a home gym are obvious, with an all in one system taking up less space than the individual pieces would.  This combining of equipment also saves you money as the all in one home gym is often less expensive than if you were to purchase all of the individual exercise stations individually.

When first looking at body building equipment for beginners, it is helpful to have a clear understanding of what your goals are and what you want the machine to do for you.  Knowing what you want the equipment to do for you will help avoid making a purchase that you will regret later.

If your goal is to build muscle by lifting weights, there are several types of good quality all in one home gym systems.  You have probably seen them advertised in magazines or on late night infomercials, by companies such as Bowflex and Total Gym.

Bowflex is unique in that it doesn't employ traditional weights but instead uses a variety of bows that bend with resistance.  This is a very popular all in one system frequently used for bodybuilding by beginners.  Their equipment is flexible and is catered towards all levels of budgets and needs.  It can easily be adapted to a multitude of plans.

If space is a concern the Bowflex system is very compact and accommodates tight spaces very well.  It can even be stored under a bed.  The high end systems are very competitive and hold their own against professional equipment found in commercial gyms.  The beginner bodybuilder can expect to get a thorough workout on all targeted muscle groups.

Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley advertise Total Gym, another late night infomercial mainstay.  This all in one system uses gravity and resistance apposed to traditional plates, but it is less expensive than Bowflex.  It also gives a quality workout.

While the above are among the most popular home bodybuilding equipment for for beginners there are certainly others in this field.  Take your time and do your research and where ever possible, look for testimonials from other bodybuilding beginners to find out what there experience was.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Begin Bodybuilding at Home or a Gym?

The first step in bodybuilding for beginners is to decide where you are going to carry out your training plan. You can choose to join a gym and begin your regimen their or you can opt to work out at home. Each choice has its advantages and disadvantages.

Bodybuilding at home has several advantages. Gym memberships can by quite costly. In addition to avoiding the cost of a gym membership their are lots of sundry expenses that can be avoided as well. For example gas or other transportation costs for travelling to a gym. Also, let's face it, their are additional expenses for clothing etc, if you workout at a gym. A gym is a social environment and very often members feel compelled to dress a certain way, in more expensive, name brand apparel.  When you train at home, you don't have to worry about any of these superficial distractions and get right to work on weight training and building muscle mass.

Beginner bodybuilders training at home are not completely off the hook as far as financial outlay goes.  You obviously need to purchase the necessary weight training equipment.  You may be tempted to cut costs by buying less expensive inferior home gym equipment, but you run the risk of this choice yielding poorer results.  The home gym equipment may not provide a full range of exercise targeting all the muscle groups.  Additionally your risk of injury may increase.  The equipment maintained by established gyms is normally top quality and well maintained.  There is also often a better selection of machines.

Exercising at home as a beginner offers you privacy as you are getting started bodybuilding.  If you would feel self conscious about how you awkward you may look as you are getting used to the equipment and learning how the exercises are done properly, you may be better off beginning in a home gym.  If you are going to be embarrassed when attending a gym, it is too great a risk that you will find excuses to not go and derail your training plans.

There can also be long wait times for specific exercise machines at the gym.  When you body build at home you don't have to worry about this.  Nor will you feel pressure to get off of a machine before you are ready.

Of course a gym membership may offer amenities that you just can't replicate at home.  A swimming pool is one example.  Swimming is a great source for cardio and if this is something you enjoy, the advantage shouldn't be overlooked.  A running track is another example.  Treadmills are fine, but they are not the same as actually running around a track.

Gyms also have the advantage of having more experienced bodybuilders handy so that you can ask for help or advice.  If you are social in nature this can really give your new bodybuilding routine a big boost.

Like most things, the choice of where to begin bodybuilding will be personal and reflect what is important to you.  The deciding factor, all other things being equal, is which choice is most likely to ensure that you follow through and stick with it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Top 5 Bodybuilding Myths

When starting out bodybuilding for beginners it is important to recognize that things get passed down from one generation to the next simply because that is the way they have always been done. The following is a list of the top 5 bodybuilding myths that you need to be aware of.

1. 12 Rep Rule

While many weight training plans recommend this amount for muscle gain, the fact is that this method does not put enough tension on the muscles. Heavier weights stimulate muscle growth, which leads the top increases in strength. Longer periods of tension increase muscle mass by developing the areas around the muscle and improve stamina.

The usual program of 8 to 12 repetitions offers balance, but this program does not allow you to the utilize greater tension levels that you get with bigger weights and fewer reps or the longer tension obtained by lighter weights and greater repetitions. You want to vary the number of reps and change the weights to encourage all forms of muscle growth.

2. 3 Set Rule

There is nothing magic or significant about three sets. The number of sets you do should be determined by your goals and not on an arbitrary rule or practice. If you do more reps then you should do fewer sets and vice versa. Try to keep the total amount of reps done of a particular exercise the same.

3. 3 to 4 exercises per group

This is honestly a squander of time. If you do this with the above two rules it adds up to 144 reps. Try doing 30 to 50 reps, instead of too many exercise deviations. This can range from 5 sets of 10 reps to 2 sets of 15 reps

4. Do not let your knees go past your toes.

This is an old gym myth. It is true that leaning forward too much can cause an injury due to the increased stress during a squat. However hip stress goes up 1000 percent when forward knee movement is restricted. Strain is transferred to the lower back when you need to lean your body forward in this fashion.

Concentrate on you upper body placement and not so much on your knees. Keep you torso upright when doing demanding exercises like lunges and squats. This will minimize the strain on the back and hips. Try pressing the shoulder blades together and keep them like that to stay upright while doing a squat. Also hold your forearms perpendicular to the ground.

5. When you lift weights draw in your abs.

Muscles work together to even out your spine and the particular muscle group differs given each excursive. The abs is not always this muscle group. The body will automatically utilize the muscle group that it needs most for spinal support. Focusing on the abs only improperly engage the wrong muscles and inhibit the right ones. While increasing the risk of injury this also diminishes the amount of weight that you can lift.

Your weightlifting training program should be personalized to what you want to achieve and that can not be derived from a set of rules that does not take into account your goals and starting circumstances.